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Frequently Asked Questions - Camino

Frequently Asked Questions | Camino

On our Camino journey, we follow trails through only the most breathtaking scenery of the region. Our private courtesy vehicle allows us to conveniently bypass less-inspiring sections. Beginning your journey in San Sebastián, you will have the opportunity to walk more than 200 km of the Camino’s celebrated route, as you make your approach to Santiago de Compostela. To help guide you along the path, we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions.

What can I expect on this journey?

We will alternate between walking and driving legs throughout the journey. While we will spend a large portion of the journey walking the most scenic and culturally significant sections of the Camino, our courtesy vehicle will ensure that utmost convenience is always at hand, should you desire. Our specialist Camino guides will tailor your daily walking program based on individual preferences and ability.

How far will we walk per day?

The Crux of the Camino

Our total walking distance will be 228.5 kilometres, over 13 walking days. While this averages just under 20 kilometres per day, completing the day’s walking is by no means mandatory. Our private courtesy vehicle will always be available to those who wish to head directly to the hotel.

Day 3 Jean de Pied de Port to Roncesvalles: 25.1 km - Climb 1,321m Descent 544m
Day 4 Roncesvalles to Zubiri: 21.8 km - Climb 280m Descent 694m
Day 5 Puenta la Reina to Villatuerta: 18 km - Climb 257m Descent 182m
Day 7 Villafranca Montes de Oca to San Juan de Ortega: 12 km - Climb 218m Descent 162m
Day 8 Hontanas to Castrojeriz: 10 km - Flat
Day 10 Puente Orbigo to Astorga: 17 km - Climb 136m Descent 93m
Day 11 Rabanal del Camino to Cruz de Ferro: 14 km - Climb 349m Descent 0m
Day 12 Vega de Valcarce to O’Cebreiro: 11.6 km - Climb 688m Descent 16m
Day 13 Ferreiros to Ventas de Naron: 21 km - Climb 441m Descent 388m
Day 14 Ventas de Narón to O Coto: 20 km - Climb 181m Descent 408m
Day 15 O Coto to Arzúa: 20 km - Climb 290m Descent 367m
Day 16 Arzúa to O Amenal: 24 km - Climb 250m Descent 398m
Day 17 O Amenal to Santiago de Compostela: 14 km - Climb 227m Descent 226m

What if I want to rest?

While a moderate level of fitness is required to get the most out of your journey, you are always free to stop walking at any time.

Will I be accompanied throughout the trip?

Our group will be accompanied at all times by a Tour Manager, as well as two specialist Camino guides and a Tour Doctor. While medical assistance will be available 24 hours a day, please note that during walking days, any additional time spent at your hotel, away from the rest of the group, will be considered time at leisure and will not be hosted.

Can I walk on my own?

You are able to walk at your own pace, and are also free to walk alone if you choose. One of our guides will always walk at the head of the group, while the other will remain behind, ensuring that no-one gets either too far ahead or left behind.

Will I get a certificate for completing the Camino de Santiago?

You will receive a Pilgrim Passport from our Camino guides, at the beginning of our pilgrimage. Walking days and visited towns are commemorated with passport stamps, marking not only your daily accomplishments but also serving as official documentation.

As it is custom to walk the last 100 kilometres to qualify for the ultimate goal, The Crux of the Camino guests are eligible for the Compostela, certifying the completion of this fabled journey.

Will water be available throughout the journey?

Water will be freely available during our journey. There will be a steady supply of water in our courtesy vehicle at all times, while there are also many fountains along the way, from which guests will be able to refill their water bottles.

What types of food will be available?

Most lunches will be in the form of picnics set up by our support team. We also sample the mouth-watering regional specialties of the area’s finest hotels, restaurants and vineyards. Taste the freshest seafood, pintxos and tapas, as well as the many local varietals of master winemakers.

Do I need to be fit to join this journey?

All participants must be able to walk a minimum of five kilometres over uneven and, often, unsealed terrain over multiple days.

What physical preparation do I need to do before the journey?

The best way to begin your training is to simply start walking, building up your distance gradually over the months leading up to the commencement of your journey. It is a good idea to include hilly, as well as flat, terrain. An information pack, containing more detailed preparation advice, will be sent to you closer to your departure date.

What should I pack?

As you will be outdoors most of the time on walking days, your clothing needs to be appropriate to the environment. The following items are considered ‘must haves’ during your Camino journey:

Walking shoes – Light hiking shoes are preferable; your walking shoes will need to be well worn in prior to travel.

Light clothing – The weather will be variable on our journey. As such, it is advisable to wear light layers that can be removed as you warm up. Long pants that can be rolled up or zipped off to make shorts work quite well, while comfortable tops made of quick-dry, synthetic materials are best. Cotton is not suitable to wear during walking days as it will not dry once wet.

Sunglasses, a sun hat, and sweat/water-resistant sunscreen are also essential items to pack in a small backpack to carry with you.

Trekking poles – While not essential, many walkers choose to use trekking poles on the Camino, as they help in retaining a steady rhythm and balance, while also providing stability during ascents and descents, as well as while negotiating rough terrain.

Will there be laundry facilities?

Laundry facilities are available at each hotel during our journey. It is advisable to make use of these provisions during our two-night stays in particular.

What about my luggage during the journey?

Your luggage will be transported to each hotel on board our private courtesy vehicle. There will also be luggage assistance provided upon arriving and departing each hotel.